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Top-quality Ontario apples

We grow, store, pack and market apples since 1906

We are a grower shipper of apples in Norfolk County, Ontario, Canada. We grow, store, pack and market apples for our grower members and other apple producers – and have done so since 1906.

Local. Natural. Fresh.

Today’s consumers expect crisp, juicy apples twelve months of the year, regardless of where they live. The Norfolk Fruit Growers’ Association meets and exceeds this expectation. Through the years our industry has undergone many revolutionary changes in how we grow, treat, handle and market our apples.
One thing, however, remains constant: the Norfolk Fruit Growers’ Association’s dedication to providing top-quality Ontario apples to our fellow Canadians and to the rest of the world. Over 114 years of expertise, respect for consumer concerns and a never-ending diligence to improve our product are testament to our success, both now and in the future.

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